Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Placing an order for the new machine !

Lots of you are asking how to place an order for the machine .

All you have to do is to scroll back through the postings and look at the colours . Choose your colour and then call us at the warehouse on 01623 818910.

The machine is £135 and for pre ordering you will receive three A4 EMBOSSING FOLDERS free with your machine before the end of June.

Any problems please call us at the warehouse between 10.30 am and 2.30 pm Monday to Saturday .

Our new web site is just about to go live and you will find the new machine on there for pre order shortly.

More on the workings of the new site once it is live .

Thank you everyone .



  1. Will the new web site have the same address as the old one. If no what is the new one please.

    1. Hi . It will be exactly the same . Gordon

  2. Can you tell us what the cutting plate is like on your new machine - is it clear or a solid colour. Will it stay straight with lots of use, or will it bend in time?

    Looking forward to the release of your new machine.


    1. Hi Christine.

      We have put the machine we have through non stop testing now for almost 4 months . We have probably done well over a years worth of use in that time . The top thick clear plate has only bend a fraction in that time . It does not bend like the plates on other machines and we cannot see that hapenning . We think if you have to replace this plate , at most you may have to do this once a year , but even then it would last much longer that that as we are finding out .I dont think this is anything to worry about . Gordon

  3. Hi Gordon,
    I discovered your shop early today an placed an order for a scorpal, are you still taking orders on the currant web page?
    Had an email to confirm order is pending but also had 2 emails that bounced back saying not delivered.
    If you could let me know I would be very grateful, If order not successful I will wait till new shop open :) thanks Mandz

    1. Tis ok, I have had a call from Jean, an she has very kindly processed an shipped by board, so glad that your not closed :) Looking forward to the new webshop

    2. Thank you , glad it was sorted . Gordon
